Back in 2023, I had underwent a Dark Night of the Soul. This is a very dark period of time where you experience immense pain. This pain cuts so deep that the ego part of you dies. As a result of ego death, you undergo rapid spiritual growth and expansion within you, and because it’s such a shock to your soul, it tends to unlock spiritual abilities within you and even opens your eyes to your soul’s true purpose. You become very clear on the reason behind your journey on Earth and understand what your mission is.
Lightworkers, spiritual healers, and spiritual teachers tend to be far more likely to go through a Dark Night of the Soul. This is because grief and pain are unfortunately the fastest ways to evolve. The most spiritual of people have always had the hardest experiences in life because they need to wake up quickly so that they can help others too, if they’re called to do so, because we are needed. Our stories need to be told and someone out there will be inspired by you, even if you don’t think you have much to offer.
I ended up going to therapy during my Dark Night of the Soul, which I really recommend doing no matter who you are or what you’re going through. Although my therapist really helped me get through the traumas, depression, and PTSD of it all, I think what really was the game changer for me was that at the same time, I was also doing my own healings on myself. I was becoming more spiritual and found solace in doing a lot of different healing modalities on myself. I tried practically everything under the sun; Reiki, meditations, self-reflection, and shadow work, just to name a few. I would do my own healings during the week and since my therapist was Buddhist, we'd sometimes talk about spirituality in our sessions so I’d go back to my session and tell her how I’ve been doing. It was really helpful to have someone spiritual supporting me because she understood some of my beliefs and the things I do, even though most people see it as a bit “woo-woo” and out there. There was one point where I received a spiritual download prior to one of my sessions one day and knew I just had to tell her about it because it shook me to my core and completely changed my perspective on life.
She said, “you know what, I have nothing left to teach you or help you heal from. You’ve already done all the work yourself!” It was like almost a graduation. She was impressed by my progress and she mentioned the spiritual download I received is a foundation in Buddhist psychology, which I thought was really interesting. Buddhism wasn't something I was familiar with at the time, so I knew I wouldn't have been able to come up with this knowledge on my own. Based on what I had told her, she mentioned it sounded like I reached a point of Nirvana, which is what it’s called when you find peace and break free of Samsara, the cycle of continuously undergoing suffering.
I made it!
I broke free from my suffering!
Through all of my healing, I managed to change my mindset which improved my life and I am now a complete 180 from the person I was when I was going through therapy... All because of a spiritual download...
I bet you're wondering what the spiritual download was. Don't worry, I'll tell you! But I need to preface with something first, so you understand the context better.
When I receive a spiritual download, sometimes it comes to me as pure knowledge and isn’t readily translatable into any human language. This means that some of the meanings of the downloads occasionally get lost in translation when I try to write them down in my spiritual journals. I try to word them and reword them until they make sense and retain as much value of the knowledge as possible, but it doesn’t always work out that way.
Now that you have that bit of important information, here's the juicy part: my spiritual download!
"We exist on Earth solely for spiritual Ascension. Everything that we experience along the journey is either a distraction, which can help us learn our life lessons, or it’s a “side quest” that opens us up in a positive way to attract abundance and assist in ascension. If something bad happens, just remember that feelings and emotions are temporary and anything that is temporary is not you. They will pass. They will help us grow and learn our life lessons. But we also do not need to act on these feelings or identify as them, as we can control our actions even if we cannot control how we feel. Everything happens for a reason and coincidences do not exist. This is the universe’s way of showing us signs that we’re on the right path."
Now, it's my mission to coach other women who have been victims of narcissistic abuse. I help them overcome negativity and mental blocks from their past by healing karmic imprints and traumas.
If this sounds like something you're interested in, I'm creating a 12-week pilot program called The BeyongHealing Accelerator Program that will be launching soon. To get on the priority waitlist, click the button below:
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